El 05 de marzo de 2012, ocho mujeres fueron desalojadas de manera violenta de la embajada de China, en Quito y, posteriormente, detenidas por la policía de Ecuador, cuando pretendían realizar una ocupación pacífica, en protesta a la explotación minera a gran escala.
Durante el incidente, los gendarmes también empujaron a los manifestantes que se encontraban en los exteriores y a periodistas de varios medios de comunicación presentes en medio del tumulto .
Según información recogida por los diarios ecuatorianos, las activistas ecológicas, fueron sacadas del lugar y, en medio de forcejeos y a rastras, los gendarmes las metieron en un bus para llevarlas detenidas a la Policía Judicial. Allí permanecieron aproximadamente ocho horas, hasta ser liberadas. La Fiscalía no encontró indicios de responsabilidad para acusar a las manifestantes.
Mientras tanto, en los exteriores de la embajada, los manifestantes se enfrentaron a los policías y trataron de detener el bus que llevaba a las detenidas. Algunos se tendieron en el pavimento para impedir su paso, según publicó diario El Universo.
Environmental activists detained for demonstrating against mining
On 5 March 2012, eight women were violently evicted from the Chinese embassy in Quito and then detained by the Ecuadorian police when they were attempting to carry out a peaceful demonstration in protest against large-scale mining.
During the incident, police officers also pushed the demonstrators who were outside the embassy and journalists of several different media who were in the midst of the commotion.
According to information published by Ecuadorian newspapers, the police forced the environmental activists out of the embassy and then struggled with them and dragged them onto a bus to take them to the Judicial Police where they were detained. They remained there for approximately eight hours until released.The DA’s office could find no evidence of criminal liability to accuse the demonstrators.
Meanwhile, outside the embassy, other demonstrators confronted the police and attempted to detain the bus in which the women were being taken.According to the newspaper El Universo, some of them lay on the floor to prevent the bus from leaving.