El 21 de junio de 2011, Tony Quishpe, camarógrafo de la estación televisiva Teleamazonas fue agredido físicamente por desconocidos, durante un operativo policial, antidrogas, que se llevaba a cabo en los suburbios de la ciudad costera de Guayaquil.
Quishpe describió que, al finalizar el operativo antinarcóticos, en donde se pretendía capturar a un distribuidor de droga, la muchedumbre de la zona se tornó violenta por la presencia policial y empezaron a agredirlo con palos y piedras.
El camarógrafo de Teleamazonas, quien fue el último en salir, comentó que, en ese momento intentó huir, pero fue impedido por la muchedumbre enardecida que intentó arrebatarle su cámara. Para ello rompieron los cristales del vehículo y lo agredieron .
«Cuando nos trepamos al carro, la gente nos caía a piedras, lo único que hice fue cubrirme porque me querían sacar de ahí… uno se metió adentro y me daba con el palo para sacarme del auto, yo me cubría para que las piedras no me caigan en la cabeza», dijo Quishpe.
El camarógrafo aseguró que no lograron arrebatarle su cámara porque, a los pocos minutos, la policía volvió a tomar el control de la situación y la muchedumbre se dispersó. Sin embargo, por los golpes y hematomas sufridos en varias zonas de su cuerpo, fue trasladado en ambulancia al hospital del seguro social, en donde le dieron el alta pocas horas más tarde.
Camera operator is physically attacked during anti-drug operation
On 21 June 2011, Tony Quishpe, camera operator for TV station Teleamazonas, was physically attacked by unidentified persons during an anti-drug Police operation that was carried out in the suburbs of the coastal city of Guayaquil.
Quishpe described that after the anti-drug operation ended in an area where a drug dealer was to be captured, the crowd turned violent because of the Police’s presence and started to attack him with sticks and stones.
The Teleamazonas camera operator, who was the last to leave in a car, commented that he attempted to escape but was prevented from doing so by the angry crowd that also attempted to take his camera.In order to do this they broke the car’s windows and attacked him.
«When we got into the car the people were showering us with stones, all I did was to protect myself because they wanted to take me out of there… one of them climbed in and hit me with a stick to take me out of the car, I covered myself so that the stones would not hit my head», said Quishpe.
The camera operator affirmed that they were unable to take his camera because, a few minutes later the Police took control of the situation and the crowd dispersed.However, because of the blows and bruises suffered in several parts of his body, he was taken by ambulance to the social security hospital from where he was discharged a few hours later.