El 14 de septiembre de 2012, se denunció que la periodista Jeanette Hinostroza, quien conduce el espacio de entrevistas e información «La Mañana de 24 horas» de Teleamazonas recibió amenazas por difundir una investigación que vincula al primo del Presidente.
Este hecho fue dado a conocer por el activista político y expresentador de TV Carlos Vera, quien dijo a través de su cuenta de Twitter @CarlosVerareal que «Por investigar caso Duzac que implica a Cofiec y Fideicomiso que administra Pedro Delgado @janethinostroza y su flia., amenazados ayer».
El usuario «@gabo_valle_ec también fue uno de los primeros en mencionar en la red social que «han amenazado a jhinostroza por investigar a duzac y los reyes magos de la cofiec. Y la seguridad estatal donde?», reza su publicación .
Además de estos comentarios en Twitter, Hoy, Hinostroza se ausentó de su programa en donde se iba difundir la tercera entrega de una investigación titulada «Los vínculos del poder», referentes a las irregularidades en torno a un préstamo otorgado a un ciudadano argentino de apellido Dusac y su relación con Pedro Delgado, titular del Banco Central del Ecuador y primo del Presidente
La ausencia de la periodista también ha generado varios comentarios en las redes sociales de quienes se solidarizan con la periodista y rechazan su ausencia en el programa. Hecho sobre el que cual, el canal no se ha pronunciado ni ha dado explicaciones. FUNDAMEDIOS está investigando al respecto.
Investigative journalist threatened
On 14 September 2012 a third party denounced that journalist Jeanette Hinostroza, who presents Teleamazonas news and interviews program “La Mañana de 24 Horas”, received threats for broadcasting an investigation that involves Pedro Delgado, the president’s cousin.
The threats were reported by political activist and former TV presenter Carlos Vera, who stated through his Twitter account @CarlosVerareal that “For investigating the Duzac case which involves Cofiec and Fideicomiso managed by Pedro Delgado @janethinostroza and her family threatened yesterday”.
User @gabo_valle_ec also mentioned that “jhinostroza has been threatened for investigating duzac and the cofiec’s ‘wise men’. So where is State security?” says his text.
Hinostroza did not appear in her program, where the third chapter of an investigation titled «Los vínculos del poder» concerning the irregularities of a loan granted to an Argentinian citizen called Dusac and his relationship with Pedro Delgado, president of the Central Bank and the president’s cousin, was going to be broadcasted.
Fernando Villavicencio – spokesperson for the movement Polo Democrático, who has been investigating, together with Assembly member Kléver Jiménez, the alleged irregularities of the loan granted by Cofiec – declared to FUNDAMEDIOS that he was due to be interviewed by the journalist today at 06:50. He said, however, that the invitation – which had been made by the journalist the day before at 18:00 – was cancelled by her assistant that evening. “At first I thought that the interview had been cancelled for personal motives or because of the program’s agenda. I was greatly surprised when the presenter was not there either and the material programed to be broadcasted was not transmitted”.
The journalist’s absence has generated several comments in the social networks from people who express their solidarity with Hinostroza and complain about her absence from the program. The TV station has not issued a statement about this. FUNDAMEDIOS is investigating.