


Find out the results of the Rapid Response Fund call for proposals

Ago 18, 2021 | Comunicados

18 August 2021- The Rapid Response Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean, a support programme for media and communicators promoted by Internews, Chicas Poderosas, Consejo de Redacción and Fundamedios, selected 25 funding applications from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru.

Amid a new wave of infections in several countries in the region and the advance of vaccination campaigns in others, the selected media and communicators will receive support to maintain their operations and create content to inform the most vulnerable communities about the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, migrants, the LGBTQ+ community, women and rural populations. 

Among the selected applications, two partnerships between media and organisations will be funded for the creation of news content that elevates the voices of vulnerable groups and visibilises the effects that the pandemic has had on them. This is in line with the objectives of the convening organisations to promote collaborative journalism in the region in order to achieve greater social impact. 

The Rapid Response Fund grantees were selected through an open call for media, journalists, communicators and civil society organisations from Latin America and the Caribbean. The call, which was open from 1 to 18 July 2021, received 263 applications for support.

In addition to financial support, grantees will participate in professional capacity building activities provided by the convening organisations on fact checking, gender perspective and the inclusion of other marginalised voices, and new narrative formats, among others. 

The last funding round of the Rapid Response Fund will be announced on the organisations’ social media channels in the last quarter of 2021. All participants to the first two calls, as well as other eligible applicants in the region, are welcome to apply. 

Internews: internews.org 

Chicas Poderosas: chicaspoderosas.org 

Consejo de Redacción: consejoderedaccion.org

Fundamedios: fundamedios.org

For more information, please write to: AMER-RRF@internews.org


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